28 de junho de 2014

Currently in the making

As Lidia suggests,
I like to collect not only rocks, but also
Strange, inanimate objects
That I can align on my blue bedsheets
When everything else is falling apart

They don't make any tangible sense
They just exist
Sharp, pointy, round, and silver
But in their complexion I can see me
I am in there
Like the insides of Earth's revolving eras
Currently in the making

What will I be?
What will all this have to do with me?
Sharp, pointy, round, and silver
Shiny, bold, translucid:


Não acredito que eu saiba o que é escrever poesia, muito menos em inglês (e me desculpem se tiver algum erro), mas as vezes elas me chegam assim, praticamente prontas. Quase como se entendessem mais de mim do que eu mesma.

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